✅Can NCRs Be Used for Off-Site Quality Concerns?
✅Beyond the Site: The Scope of Non-Conformance Reports
✅Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs): On-Site and Off-Site Applications
✅Expanding the Use of NCRs in Quality Management Systems
✅The Role of NCRs in Total Quality Management
✅Do NCRs Only Apply to Construction Sites?
✅Can NCRs Be Used for Remote Quality Assurance?
✅What is the Full Potential of Non-Conformance Reports?
No, Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) are not solely for on-site quality issues. They are a versatile tool used to document and address any deviation from specified standards, requirements, or procedures across various industries and processes.
The contract requires the project to adhere to ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems). These standards are comprehensive and apply to both operational processes and management practices, including risk management and compliance. The standards provide clear grounds for NCRs to address not only on-site quality issues but also compliance, documentation, and planning.
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